Youth Intensive Camp - Sat Oct 19th, 2024

Posted on by Sensei Steve Erickson

Our annual Youth Intensive Camp is taking place from Sat Oct 19th to Sun Oct 20th. Please join us for a great time of intensive aikido training and camaraderie!


This is both a camp and a fundraiser combined into one!

Cost $50 - 50% of this cost will be put toward supporting our young instructors traveling to Victoria for the annual Western Canadian Aikido Leadership Retreat taking place during spring break 2025!

Register as a participant here!
Register as a junior instructor here!

Sat Oct 19th
6:00pm Arrive and prepare
6:30pm Camp begins (late dinner included, participants should eat prior to arriving at camp)

Participants are free to sleep over at the dojo on Saturday night or go home and then return Sunday morning

Sun Oct 20th
8:00am Breakfast
9:00am Camp activities continue
12:00pm pick up