Supporting BigRock Aikikai


BigRock Aikikai is a non-profit organization, incorporated here in the province of Alberta.  We are community-focused.

Our programs are supported by members, the province of Alberta and by generous donors.

You can make a donation to BigRock Aikikai here.  If you would like more information about making a donation, please contact sensei Steve Erickson.


2023 Alberta Community Initiatives Program Grant
BigRock Aikikai would like to acknowledge the tremendous support of the Alberta gov't this year through the Community Initiatives Program Grant.   We are incredibly grateful for their support for the purchase of new athletic mats for our community centre program at Cardel Rec South.  The matching grant (50% of the cost was paid by the AB gov't) enables our long time Child & Youth Aikido Program to continue.  With their support, hundreds of young people will benefit from BigRock Aikikai's classes for many years to come! 


The following donors have shown their support of our aikido programs through generous financial contributions.

Anonymous Donors - 4 and counting

Cowling Family

Teevens Family

Singh Family

Moore Family

Spencer/Ferguson Family

Lan Nguyen

Hallman Family

Erik Schroeder

Dhir Family

Zhivov Law

Alberta Lottery Fund